- Vue + Vue Router + Vuex + Axios.
- Material Design Style - Vuetify
- Data Grid with server side sort,search,pagination and json config.
- Dynamic Form Builder with text,textarea,radios,checkboxes,select,html input types and json config.
- Built in localStorage proxy for any data types.
- Axios Mock with axios-mock-adapter and mockjs
- Configurable side menu with json
- i18n with vue-i18n
- Basic and Main layouts
- Stylus processor
- And more of your requests.
Getting start
- git clone https://github.com/wxs77577/adminify.git
- Copy src/config.sample.js to src/config.js
- npm install
- npm run dev
Use cnpm instead npm in China
链接: https://www.fly63.com/nav/2076